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  5. [flexi-form] attributes

[flexi-form] attributes

will render to html <form> </form> tag. 
With the help of parameters the attributes are added inside form tag.

  • title = Title of the form used internally.
  • class = CSS class name of the form to customize look & feel according to theme
  • name = name of the form required if multiple form on same page.
  • detail_layout = Name of the layout. If you want to specifically set the detail layout. It will override the default layout used. (default: basic)
  •  ajax = true or false
    * true : Ajax will be enabled and page will be submitted without any page refresh.
    * false: It will change the page during form submission.
  • edit = true or false
    * true : Treat this form as modification form. Let user to edit own submitted false
    * false (default) : General new submission form
  • type = url or image (Determines how form should be handled)
    * url (default): When youtube,vimeo and other online video urls are used to post
    * image: When any type of file including images, pdf,mp3 etc. are used to submit
  • unique = Custom field names. eg. felxi_field_1
    This will restrict form to get submitted if “flexi_field_1” value already present in other posts.

Invalid form tag
This shortcode should always be between
Invalid form tag
will generate different type of input fields and parameters changes according to it.
The attributes depends on the type of parameter used.

type : This is mandatory attributes & according to it other attributes plays roles.
* post_title
* file
* category
* tag
* article
* text
* textarea
* select
* radio
* checkbox
* other
* captcha
* submit

required : This attribute specifies that the user must fill in a value before submitting a form.
placeholder : A hint to the user of what can be entered in the control.

Title field

This field is used as a post title and support required & placeholder attributes.
[flexi-form-tag type="post_title" title="Main Title" value="" placeholder="Main Title" required="true"]

File input field

This field is let’s user to select the file
Select single file
[flexi-form-tag type="file" title="Select file"]

Drag & drop multiple files
[flexi-form-tag type="file_multiple" title="Drag & Drop multiple files" class="flexi_drag_file" multiple="true"]

Select category/album field

This will render to display category/album select input box as created at Flexi category
[flexi-form-tag type="category" title="Select category" ]

Tag field

This will render to display tag input field, where user can enter tags separated by comma
[flexi-form-tag type="tag" title="Insert tag"]

Article field

This will display the content/description/article area of the post. It also support editor=”true” attribute which will convert traditional textarea description field into GUI rich text input box which lets user to make different styles of text. Eg. bold, italic, colors
[flexi-form-tag type="article" title="Description" placeholder="Content" editor="true"]

Text field

Basic input text field.
flexi_field_1 to flexi_field_5 are Flexi internal reserved input field names.
[flexi-form-tag type="text" name="flexi_field_1" title="My subject" value="" placeholder=""]

Textarea field

Basic textarea fields with option of adjusting number of rows & cols
​[flexi-form-tag type="textarea" name="flexi_field_2" title="Description" placeholder="" rows="3" cols="20"]

Other field

You must specify type=”other” and mention new_type attributes with various parameters. Each parameters will display different type of input fields.
hidden, numbers, passwords, tel, time, week, url
Check examples as below
Display hidden input field
[flexi-form-tag type="other" new_type="hidden" name="flexi_field_3" value="blank"]

Display input fields which accepts only numbers
[flexi-form-tag type="other" new_type="number" name="flexi_field_4" value="0"]

Display password input field
[flexi-form-tag type="other" new_type="password" name="flexi_field_5"]

Captcha field

Display captcha security input fields before submitting the forms
[flexi-form-tag type="captcha" title="Security"]

Select field

This tag will render element used to create a drop-down list
Since, drop down list requires some values which can be passed using value attribute. 

As on a example: 
jan is the value and January is label.
feb is the value and February is label.

value and the label should be divided by : (ratio) sign. Each extra list requires ,(comma) between them.

[flexi-form-tag type="select" name="flexi_field_1" title="Select Month" value="jan:January,feb:February" placeholder="-Month-"]

Radio Select field

This tag will render element used to create a radio selection.
Since, radio list requires some values which can be passed using value attribute. 

As on a example: 
cherry is the value and Cherry is label.

value and the label should be divided by : (ratio) sign. Each extra list requires ,(comma) between them.

[flexi-form-tag type="radio" name="flexi_field_2" title="Choose fruits" value="cherry:Cherry,banana:Banana"]

Checkbox Input field

This tag will render element used to create a checkbox selection
Since, checkbox requires some values which can be passed using value attribute. User can select more then one value. No name attribute is required.  

As on a example: 
flexi_field_4 is the value and Blue is label.
flexi_field_5 is the value and Black is label.

[flexi-form-tag type="checkbox" title="Which colors you like ?" value="flexi_field_4:Blue,flexi_field_5:Black"]

Submit button

This is the compulsory input tag must be specified just before the closing of [/flexi-form] tag.
This will generate the submit button with specified label as value.
[flexi-form-tag type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit Now"]

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