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  5. Sub-Gallery


Sub-Gallery is a gallery of one of the specific flexi post. It means you can add additional images for the primary images.
Eg. iPhone is image is posted and as a sub-gallery, the supporting images like front, back, edge images as a thumbnail at the side of main image.

To achieve this features, you must enable it from Flexi -> Extension tab.

After it is enabled, click on blue toolbox to have setting page related to sub-gallery page.

Add Sub-Gallery Button: This will display button after primary images is posted and while editing the existing post.
Button Label: You can change the label of the button. Eg. “Add supporting images”
Sub-Gallery Form: To modify the posted sub-gallery this page is used. Create a new page with shortcode as

Wrong ID
and link this page.

This button is added after the primary image is posted.

Note: Specify location to display at detail page. If it is hidden it will not display the gallery.

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